The Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims, remains committed towards women’s economic empowerment and reintegration. Through supporting and empowering self-helping groups of survivors, KRCT has initiated/supported the establishment of a local NGO in Drenas by beneficiaries itself.
KRCT through its existence is engaged on the implementation of the programs that directly and indirectly contributes to women’s reintegration, especially survivors of tortures and other vulnerable groups. More recently, KRCT is implementing the project Equal Economic Empowerment to all women in Kosovo that its focused on woman/survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in Kosovo with specific attention to Gllogovac/Drenas region, affected by the war trauma and violence as well of involvement of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian in Gnjilane/Gjilan region, to have equal participation rights and opportunities in governance and the economy.
KRCT has addressed the problem specifically to two main vulnerable categories of women Glogovac/Drenas and Gnjilan/Gjilan region : Women survivors of rape and sexual assault during the war in Kosovo; and SGBV survivors among Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, as they report in particular a “quiet” discrimination impeding them from many social and development opportunities.
The project intends to apply a combination of various interventions in the following fields:
To increase the level of employment and income to women/ survivors sexual and gender-based violence in Kosovo among Albanian, Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
Increase equal opportunities, social integration and welfare of women/survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in Kosovo among Albanian and Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
Thus, KRCT aims that women/survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in Kosovo have equal participating rights and opportunities in governance and the economy through improved representation, education and employment.
Capacity building/training on Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Social Skills The training will impact the production of artisanal products, enhance social activism and community engagement, these sessions will also empower women who have professions and are able to generate income. Up to 20 % of participants from the RAE communities has benefited from those training as well. Over 100 woman from Albanian, and Roma community has participated on those trainings, that were organized from KRCT.
Access to professional education and services In order to improve access to professional education and services offered by employment agencies, as well as information regarding the project, KRCT has designed and published Promotional campaign materials in English and Albanian.
KRCT will monitor the government authorities/structures while they review and incorporate the outcomes of the survey into relevant laws and bylaw concerning women/survivors of the sexual and gender-based violence.
Access to entrepreneurial local initiatives, supporting survivors’ families to develop small businesses (self-employment) for productive activities. Women survivors will be involved to produce products with the support of the KRCT network.
Policy change to increase employment and access to governance. KRCT, as a member of the National Council for the protection of survivors of sexual violence has conducted a survey with 50 sexually gender based violence survivors and collected their view and vision to enable them to participate in governance and employment opportunities in Kosovo. This study will be presented to women and other stakeholders during the sessions and during special meetings. KRCT will monitor the government authorities/structures while they review and incorporate the outcomes of the survey into relevant laws and bylaws concerning women/survivors of the sexual and gender-based violence.