HISTORIC: Zoran Vukotic is Convicted for Committing a Crime of Sexual Violence During the War in Kosovo
Today, Zoran Vukotic, accused of committing a crime of sexual violence during the war in Kosovo is convicted with 10 years of imprisonment. This is the first case that a perpetrator is convicted for this type of crime by the Kosovo Courts.
Even though this is a delayed justice, this day marks a turning point and hope not only for the victim that recognised the perpetrator and testified against him but also for other survivors that one day justice will be achieved. KRCT through its rehabilitation services has strengthened the survivor in demand for justice and has initiated the case.
KRCT has also cooperated closely with Special Prosecution and the victim. In addition to provision of regular psycho social services, KRCT has supported the victim during all stages of the judicial process. We will never stop working until we see the last perpetrator behind the bars!