Addressing the hate speech and transitional justice in the civic space
Addressing the hate speech and transitional justice in the civic space
Agreement Between Kosovo and Denmark on the Transfer of Prisoners to Kosovo
Unreasonable Delays in Criminal Trials and the Right to be Tried Within a Reasonable Time

Previous Publications


Fact Sheet & Success Stories, KRCT 2023

Fact Sheet & Histori Suksesi, QKRMT 2023

Success story: First CRSV survivor gain justice_2023

Success Story: Rape victim in prison is compensated_2023

Infographic: Adresimi i gjuhës së urrejtjes dhe drejtësisë tranzicionale në hapësirën qytetare

Adresimi i gjuhës së urrejtjes dhe drejtësisë tranzicionale në hapësirën qytetare

Infographic: Addressing the hate speech and transitional justice in the civic space

Addressing the hate speech and transitional justice in the civic space

Drejtësia për të mbijetuarit e dhunës seksuale gjatë luftës (Shqip, English, Serbian)


Fact Sheet - Documenting Crimes of Sexual Violence During the War in Kosovo

Raporti Pas Konferences Dokumentimi i Dhunës Seksuale në Konflikt Standardet dhe Praktikat

Post Conference report Documentation of conflict related sexual violence Standards and Practices

Izveštaj nakon konferencije Dokumentacija o seksualnom nasilju u vezi sa sukobom Standardi i praksa

Agreement Between Kosovo and Denmark on the Transfer of Prisoners to Kosovo - Implications on Human Rights Standards (Albanian)

Agreement Between Kosovo and Denmark on the Transfer of Prisoners to Kosovo - Implications on Human Rights Standards (English)

Agreement Between Kosovo and Denmark on the Transfer of Prisoners to Kosovo - Implications on Human Rights Standards (Serbian)

Human Rights in Kosovo Correctional Institutions - Monitoring Report 2021 (Albanian)

Human Rights in Kosovo Correctional Institutions - Monitoring Report 2021 (English)

Human Rights in Kosovo Correctional Institutions - Monitoring Report 2021 (Serbian)

Unreasonable Delays in Criminal Trials and the Right to be Tried within a Reasonable Time (Albanian)

Unreasonable Delays in Criminal Trials and the Right to be Tried within a Reasonable Time (English)

Unreasonable Delays in Criminal Trials and the Right to be Tried within a Reasonable Time (Serbian)

"Be My Voice" Platform Mandate (English)


E drejta për të vërtetën “Viktimat Pa Emër"| Right to truth "Unamed Victims"| Pravo na istinu "Zrtve Bez Imena”

Placement and Treatment of Juveniles During Implementation of Detention on Remand Measure (English)

Placement and Treatment of Juveniles During Implementation of Detention on Remand Measure (Serbian)

Beyond Pain, Towards Courage (English)

Beyond Pain, Towards Courage (Albanian)

KRCT Annual Report 2021 (English)

KRCT Annual Report 2021 (Albanian)

Meet My Soul - World Refugee Day 2021

Principles on Dealing with the Past


KRCT & UNHCR Fact Sheet 2020

BREATHE - Illustration Booklet (English)

BREATHE - Illustration Booklet (Arabic)

BREATHE - Illustration Booklet (Albanian)

Civil Society Report on Human Rights 2019 (English)

Civil Society Report on Human Rights 2019 (Albanian)


KRCT Annual Report 2018

Human Rights in Places of Detention in Kosovo
• Monitoring Report 2018

Protocol on Identification, Investigation and Treatment of Sexual Violence Cases During the War in Kosovo

KRCT Fact Sheet 2018


KRCT Annual Report 2017 (English)

KRCT Annual Report 2017 (Albanian)

"Be My Voice" Leaflet

KRCT Fact Sheet

Human Rights in Places of Detention in Kosovo (English)
Monitoring Report 2017

Human Rights in Places of Detention in Kosovo (Albanian)
Monitoring Report 2017

KRCT Human Rights Information Poster (English)

KRCT Human Rights Information Poster (Albanian)


KRCT Annual Report 2016 (English)

KRCT Annual Report 2016 (Albanian)

KRCT Survey of Survivors of SGBV

Human Rights in Places of Detention in Kosovo (English)
Monitoring Report 2016

Human Rights in Places of Detention in Kosovo (Albanian)
Monitoring Report 2016

Human Rights in Mental Health and Social Care Institutions (English)

Human Rights in Mental Health and Social Care Institutions (Albanian)


Human Rights in Mental Health and Social Care Institutions
January - December 2015


Kosovo 2013 Human Rights Report - Executive Summary

Empowerment of Human Rights Platform for Rape Victims in Kosovo - Leaflet


KRCT Annual Conference Report 2006

Enhancing the Juvenile Justice System in Kosovo
October 2010

UN International Day in Support of Survivors of Torture
26 June

NGO Assesment Report
Implementation of the National Referral Mechanism in Macedonia, Serbia, Albania and Kosovo

The Establishment of a National Preventive Mechanism for Kosovo

Report from Training "Human Rights and International Standards for Torture Prevention" - 31 May 2007

Report from Training of Associations Created by War
2 February 2007

Report from Training of "International Standars for Torture Victims Protection" - 21 November 2006

Report from Training NGO
27 & 28 May 2006

Conference on Detention Monitoring